Accounting For Import VAT On Your VAT Return

Three lorry trailer parked up

HMRC have recently updated their guidance on accounting for VAT on goods imported from outside the UK which, since Brexit, includes the European Union. Businesses registered for VAT in the UK can account for import VAT on their VAT Return for goods imported into: Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from anywhere outside the UK  […]

Prepping for Customs Declarations

Shipping containers

Importers and exporters will need to complete customs declarations next year, regardless of whether the UK agrees a free trade deal with the EU. To complete declarations you will need to: Have a GB Economic Operator Registration and Identification number (EORI number) Decide if you will use a customs intermediary If you choose to complete […]

Brexit News: Government Grants for Customs Training Funding

Mini figure standing on map of Europe

HMRC have extended the deadline for customs training funding. Applications are open until 30 June 2021 (or until all funding is allocated). The funding can be used towards helping businesses train staff in making customs declarations.

UK Tariffs From 1 January 2021

Ship bringing goods to the UK

From 1 January 2021, the UK will apply a UK-specific tariff to imported goods. This UK Global Tariff (UKGT) will replace the EU’s Common External Tariff, which applies until 31 December 2020. The UKGT will apply to all goods imported into the UK unless: An exception applies, such as a relief or tariff suspension the […]

Brexit News: The Border with the European Union

Wooden Map showing corner of UK and Europe

The Government produced guidance in July 2020 outlining the implementation of Border controls in three stages for importing and exporting goods. This document outlines the processes for moving goods between GB and the EU from 1 January 2021 onwards, including processes to be introduced in April 2021 and July 2021. Import and export controls are […]

Brexit News: Preparing for the End of the Transition Period

Man holding the new British Passport

Many businesses who trade with the EU are no doubt watching the Brexit negotiations closely. Whether or not there is a free trade agreement, many of the administrative changes for trade and travel are already known and it is important you plan ahead for these. The actions people and business owners need to take vary […]


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