Category: Payroll

Rises to national minimum wage confirmed

Rises to national minimum wage confirmed

Legislation was laid before Parliament last week confirming that the new National Living Wage and new Minimum Wage rates will take effect from 1 April 2025. While many businesses are feeling and have expressed concern about the increases, the sight of the legislation suggests that no reprieve is in sight.

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Are you employing seasonal winter staff?

Are you employing seasonal winter staff?

In the run up to the winter holidays, you may be considering taking on additional temporary staff to help with the workload. While these staff may only be with you for a short period, you still need to consider them for pension purposes each time you pay them. Staff need to be put into a pension scheme based on their ages and how much they earn. This applies to family members too.

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Businesses count the cost of increases to Employers National Insurance

Businesses count the cost of increases to Employers National Insurance – What will it mean for your payroll?

From 1 April 2025, the rate for Employers National Insurance (NI) will increase from 13.8% to 15%. At the same time, the level at which employers start paying national insurance on each employee’s salary will be reduced from £9,100 per year to £5,000. The combination of these two changes means a potentially significant increase in payroll costs for businesses.

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Have you checked your tax code?

Have you checked your tax code?

Prior to the tax year starting each 6 April, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), will issue new tax codes to employees, usually where there is a change of tax code. These tax codes, a series of letter and numbers, allow employers to deduct the right amount of tax to be deducted from each employee when the payroll is run.

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Boardroom with people

New Personal Service Company Rules

The “off-payroll” working rules that apply to certain workers supplying their services to clients via their own personal service companies started with effect from 6 April 2021. Under this new regime end user businesses will be required to determine whether that individual would have been treated as an employee or not if directly engaged. This will be a significant additional administrative burden on the large and medium-sized businesses to whom the new rules apply.

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