A new scheme administrator tasked with helping businesses reduce packaging usage was unveiled last week. PackUK (called PecynUK in Wales) will also promote more sustainable packaging alternatives.
As part of the UK’s four nation Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (pEPR) scheme, PackUK is being used to apply the ‘polluter pays’ principle. It will shift the cost of managing household packaging waste from taxpayers and local authorities to businesses that use and supply the packaging.
Therefore, PackUK will set and raise pEPR’s fees from affected businesses. It will also make packaging waste disposal payments to local authorities in exchange for their delivering better collection and recycling services.
It is expected that pEPR will generate more than £1 billion annually. However, the intention is also to incentivise businesses to reduce unnecessary packaging and use more recycled and recyclable packaging.
PackUK will also be involved in raising public awareness on how to dispose of packaging waste correctly.
The Packaging Innovations event, which is for the latest advancements in packaging solutions, is being held at NEC Birmingham on 12-13 February 2025. PackUK will be attending, so this could be a good opportunity to engage directly with their team.