Resetting your approach after a break


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Resetting your approach after a break

How do you reset at work after a break or a quieter summer period?

Resetting at work after a break or a quieter summer period is crucial for regaining productivity and focus. The process begins with getting organised and prioritising tasks. Reviewing upcoming projects, deadlines, and emails allows you to assess what requires immediate attention.

Setting clear, achievable goals for the first few days or weeks helps ease the transition back into a regular work routine. Breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable pieces can help to prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed and can encourage a gradual rebuild of your momentum.

Re-establishing good work habits is important. Resuming daily routines, such as regular meetings, time management practices, and team collaboration, can restore a sense of normality. Utilising tools like calendars, to-do lists, or task management apps can further assist in maintaining a structured approach to work, ensuring that tasks are handled efficiently and deadlines are met.

Communication with colleagues is also key to a smooth reset. Engaging with team members to get updates on ongoing projects ensures everyone is aligned and prevents any miscommunication or delays. Additionally, taking the time to discuss any changes or developments that occurred during the break can provide valuable context and help to avoid surprises.

As you return to “business as usual”, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is vital. Diving in too quickly or taking on too much at once can lead to burnout. It’s important to pace yourself, incorporate short breaks into your schedule, and delegate tasks where possible to ensure a sustainable approach to work.

By approaching your return with a methodical and balanced mindset, you can smoothly transition back into full productivity after a break or quieter period, while giving yourself some space to implement changes and adopt new, more efficient approaches to work.

Resetting your approach after a break


Resetting your approach after a break



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